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Name That Laird, No. 8, Named
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Name that Laird, No. 8 Named

The laird family is the Scottish family of Wright,
specifically Wright of Langside.

The Challenge here is that this family is not found with the usual suspects: such as Roddy Martine’s “Scottish Clan and Family Names, nor in
Ordinary 1 or Ordinary 2 until 1772 when the arms are differenced with other families, nor in “Burke’s General Armory” or “The Armorial of Sir David Lindsay of the Mount. This meant one had to search harder.

The list of successful respondents consists of four people:

[1] Elizabeth Roads, Snawdoun Herald
[2] Liam Devlin, Unicorn Pursuivant
[3] Tex Aitchison, An American SSA Member
[4] Chris Gillmore, An American who is Shennachie for Clan Morrison

Congratulations to all four coming up with the right answer
within 48 hours but,
we waited to see if others might respond with the correct answer !

2021 0316
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