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02dykb Book for Sale
A book for sale which might interest Scottish Armigers:

“The Science of Herauldry, Treated as a part of Civil Law, and the Law of Nations: Wherein Reasons are given for its Principles, and Etymologiesies for its harder Terms.”

by Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh.

EDINBURGH, Printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, Anno DOMINI, M. DC. LXXX ( 1680 )

An original book from 1680 unbound or disbound, that is to say it has no covers.

( lightly was originally bound with Mackenzie’s “Observations Upon the Laws and Customs of Nations as to Precedency, also published in 1680 )

The book has 30 plates and the last page of THE TABLE ( read: Index )
is damaged missing a part of the page. Specifically this very last index page
has the title; THE TABLE
It is missing THE TAB portion only the LE remains

And beneath the page is split into two columns
The damage continues in the right hand column
It is missing entries from Robertson down through Sawers but has from Scott on downward

View image for what is missing The left hand column is complete

The book is being sold AS IS for $300.00 US

The book is being offered by
Sam Gatteno Books
542 Lakeland
Grosse Pointe, Michigan

Tel: 1-313-885-2254

Information provided as a courtesy by your editor

2018 0917
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