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02 dyh Minutes of the 2019 SSA AGM
Society of Scottish Armigers


The Chairman, The Earl of Eglinton and Winton, who welcomed everyone, opened the meeting.
Members present:

The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Eglinton and Winton, Chairman and Board of Governors
The Rt. Hon. Viscount Dunrossil, Vice-Chairman and Board of Governors
COL. William ‘Bill’ Boswell of Toberchurn, USAF (Ret.), Board of Governors and Past Chairman
Brown McCallum, Board of Governors
COL. Wayne Morgan, USA (Ret.), Board of Governors
COL. Charles Shaw, III, USA (Ret.), Treasurer
Kent Atkins, Member

Others in attendance:

Righton McCallum
Alison Atkins


Lord Lyon, President
LCDR. John Glynn of Glynstewart, USN (Ret.), Secretary and Board of Governors
Charles McKerrell of Hillhouse, Commissioner, EU Commissioner and Board of Governors
Michael McAlpin, Commander of the Name McAlpine and Board of Governors
Dr. Bruce Durie

Last AGM Minutes: The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting, held at Greenville, SC, 26 May 2018, was provided to the membership and posted on the SSA website. The Secretary received no corrections.

Officers Reports:

LCDR. John Glynn of Glynstewart, USN (Ret.), SSA Secretary, submitted a Secretary’s Report via electronic mail.
COL. Charles Shaw, III, USA (Ret.), Chairman appointed Treasurer provided a Treasury update.

Nominating Committee’s Report:

For Secretary, LCDR. John Glynn of Glynstewart, USN (Ret.) – for term ending 2022 AGM.
For Treasurer: COL. Charles Shaw, III, USA (Ret.) – for term ending 2022 AGM.

Board of Governors:
COL. Wayne Morgan, USA (Ret.) – term ending 2022 AGM.
Kevin Conquest – term ending 2022 AGM.

NOTE: After several years on the Board, Brown McCullum by acclimation was voted in as Emeritus Member of the SSA Board of Governors.

All Nominations passed by acclimation.

Current Board of Governors and ending term of office:
COL. William Boswell of Toberchurn, USAF (Ret.) [2020]
Viscount Dunrossil, IPC [2020]
Mark J. Harden, Baron of Cowdenknowes [2020]
Michael McAlpin, Commander, Clan McAlpine [2020]
Donald Draper Campbell [2021]
MAJ. Randal Massey of Dunham, USA (Ret.) [2021]
Charles McKerrell of Hillhouse [2021]
Earl of Eglington and Winton [2021]
LCDR. John Glynn of Glynstewart, USN (Ret.) [2021]
COL. Wayne Morgan, USA (Ret.) [2021]
COL. Wilkins F. Urquhart of Urquhart, USAF (Ret.) [2022]
Kevin Conquest [2022]

Brown McCallum, Emeritus Member

Current Officers and ending term of office:
President: Dr. Joe Morrow, Lord Lyon King of Arms
Chairman: Earl of Eglington and Winton [2020]
Vice-Chairman: Viscount Dunrossil [2020]
Secretary: Lieutenant Commander John Glynn of Glynstewart, USN (Ret.) [2022]
Treasurer: Coronel Charles Shaw, III, USA (Ret.) [2022]


The locations of future AGM’s were discussed. Lord Eglinton suggested that the Society adopt the Stone Mountain Highland Games as its “Home Games”, and to hold the AGM there on alternate years, beginning in 2020. The reason behind this decision is that the Society has a strong following in the South Eastern US, and several members in the local area, giving several options for Tent Hosts. We would also be able to potentially store tent equipment in the local area.

On the other years, the AGM would rotate around several Games in the US. It was suggested that the 2025 AGM be held in Scotland.

The 2020 AGM will be at the Stone Mountain Highland Games, Atlanta, GA. The host is yet to be determined.

** Please notify the Secretary if you are hosting a SSA tent at highland games so the membership can be notified and shipping arrangements made to supply a SSA name banner and flag. **

Society Business:

SSA Tent Spaces:
There was a spirited discussion around the Society taking Clan Tent space at Games. Given that this was the biggest expenditure in any given year, and that we had a declining cash flow, it was felt to be prudent to look at how the Society was represented at Highland Games. The ideas put forward are listed below:
- Members of the SSA ought to be Touring the Clan tents and engaging with Clansmen there, rather than “holding court” in our own tent.
- Most of the time, members attend Games as Patrons or Sponsors, so would have a “rest space” if needed.
- If, at a specific games, it was deemed that tent space were needed, if the Society could be co-located with an Armiger’s Clan tent that would be the preference.
- If there were no other options, then the Society would take Tent Space as per current SOP’s.

Membership Dues:
Given the unsatisfactory state of the Society’s finances, it was thought prudent to rethink how we collected Membership dues. The Treasurer undertook to send out Dues reminders in Nov/Dec 2019 to the CY2020, with dues to be paid by 1/1/2020. He also undertook to follow up on delinquent members in the first quarter of 2020.

Joining Fees:
The current joining fee is US$100. In a side bar conversation with Col. Boswell, Lord Eglinton suggested that the joining fee should be raised to US$130, with the $30 covering a name badge for the new member and his spouse. Name badges could be ordered for other direct family members by the Armiger as required. Further discussion is required on this, including the new name badge design. The new design is being investigated by Col. Boswell and Lord Eglinton.

Given that 2020 is our 20th Anniversary, and that our membership has changed significantly since the last published version, an updated version of our Armorial should be produced. All members are encouraged to be included in this publication. More information will be forthcoming in the new year as we begin to pull this together.

Chairman’s Report:

Overall, the Society is in good order, and I am grateful to my fellow members of the Board of Governors for their continued stewardship of the Society while I was dealing with some personal issues for most of the last year.

During the meeting, we discussed several topics, including:
- How the Society can better help local Games and the Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs.
- How the Society can better use our limited resources to better assist our membership.
- The 20th Anniversary of the Society – 2020
- The strategic direction of the SSA going forward into our 20th year and beyond.
- The website was discussed with a view to “modernizing it”.
- Our Social Media presence.

We will report the results of these further discussions when there is anything to report. If any member has any points, they would like to raise, please submit them to the Secretary.

As we enter our 20th year, I feel that the Society is in a good position to carry out our primary mission, and look forward to what next year will bring.

Being no other business to discuss, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed. Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted:

Lieutenant Commander John Glynn of Glynstewart, OSt.J, FSA Scot, USN (Ret.), Secretary

2019 1203

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