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2014 AGM Minutes

The meeting was opened at 5:40 PM by the Chairman, Viscount Dunrossil, who welcomed everyone.

Members present:
Dr. Joseph J. Morrow, Lord Lyon King of Arms, President
Viscount Dunrossil, Chairman
Lord Montgomerie, Vice Chairman
Colonel W.P. Boswell of Toberchurn, USAF [Ret.], Immediate Past Chairman
Lieutenant Commander John Glynn of Glynstewart, USN [Ret.], Secretary
Charles McKerrell of Hillhouse, Board
Romilly Squire of Rubislaw, Board
Donald Draper Campbell, Board
Colonel Wilkins Urquhart of Urquhart, USAF [Ret.], Board
Thomas Walker Campbell
Thomas Urquhart, III
Captain Glen A. Cook of Kingerly, USN [Ret.]
Earl (Dale) McAlpine, Jr.
Michael T. McAlpin

Others in attendance:
William Kiger
Beth Campbell
Sarah Colt

David Sellar, Islay Herald Extraordinary
Sir Malcolm Innis of Edingight, Orkney Herald Extraordinary
Major Sir Malcolm MacGregor of MacGregor
Alexander Trotter of Mortonhall

The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held 1 June 2013 in Montreal, Canada had been sent to the membership, and no corrections were received by the Secretary. A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes with the addition of the apology of Charles McKerrell of Hillhouse as the only correction. Motion passed.

LCDR John Glynn of Glynstewart, SSA Secretary, read the Secretary’s Report. A motion was made and seconded to accept the Secretary’s Report. Motion passed.

LCDR John Glynn of Glynstewart, SSA Secretary, read the Treasurer’s Report. A motion was made and seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion passed.

Chairman’s Report:

This has been another interesting and challenging year with rising tensions surrounding the impending referendum on Scottish independence, overall the society had emerged with standing and reputation enhanced. In addition we have had to deal with the retirement of our former President, Lyon Sellar, whose work with the society has been much appreciated, and we look forward to an equally productive relationship with his successor, Lyon Morrow. One of Lyon Sellar's last acts as President had been to join us for our AGM last year in Montreal. He and his wife also joined us for a delightful reception and dinner, held with the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada, during which the Chief Herald of Canada, was made a fellow of the society.

Both the chairman and vice chairman, Lord Montgomerie, played important roles in the work of a group that comprised members of COSCA, the Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs (SCSC), and the SSA, set up to investigate the viability and potential conditions for a future international clan gathering. The group met by telephone over the course of several months. The chairman represented this group and reported its initial findings at a seminar on Capitol Hill as part of the Washington DC National Tartan Day event. Later that evening he was interviewed by COSCA President, Susan McIntosh, and a film of the interview appeared on COSCA's website and was distributed by the SCSC convener to members of the Standing Council. Links with the Standing Council continue to be developed. Both the chairman and vice chairman (as heir to the Earl of Eglington) would be attending the SCSC AGM in Edinburgh, and they looked forward to receiving Sir Malcolm MacGregor, Convener of SCSC, at our own AGM dinner.

In addition to the Games at which the society had a tent and more formal presence, the chairman also represented the society, served as an honored guest and gave a lecture on Scottish Heraldry at the Texas Scottish Festival in Arlington. He was relieved that the lecture room was indoors and air-conditioned. The subject of the lecture was "the Importance of Getting it Right" and it appeared to have been well attended and well received.

Finally, the chairman acknowledged the passing of the father of our secretary, John Glynn of Glynstewart, and invited Lt. Commander Glynn to say a few words about his father. The chair and vice chair had wanted to find a way to recognize the secretary for his continuing and much appreciated work on behalf of the society, but found there was a scarcity of ways to do so remaining to them.

A motion was made and seconded that the Society becomes a member of Council of Scottish Clans and Associations (COSCA) to further our interests. The Treasurer will be advised on who to contact to pay the membership fee.

Nominating Committee’s Report: Committee Chairman Col. Boswell of Toberchurn nominated Viscount Dunrossil to another three year term as Chairman and Ken McAlpin as Treasurer for another three year term. The nominations passed by acclamation. Further nominations were: Mark Harden, Baron of Cowdenknowes and Romilly Squire of Rubislaw for another three year term as members of the Board of Governors. These nominations passed by acclamation. There is one vacant Board member position that will be filled at a later date.

Current Board of Governors and terms of office:
Donald Draper Campbell [2012 - 2015]
Maj. Randal Massey of Dunham, USA (Ret) [2012 - 2015]
Charles McKerrell of Hillhouse [2012 - 2015]
Hugh, Lord Montgomerie [2012 - 2015]
LCDR. John Glynn of Glynstewart, USN (Ret.) [2012 - 2015]
Col. Wilkins F. Urquhart of Urquhart, [2013 - 2016]
Brown McCallum, Jr. [2013 - 2016]
Col. William Boswell of Toberchurn, IPC [2014 - 2017]
Andrew, Viscount Dunrossil [2014 - 2017]
Mark J. Harden, Baron of Cowdenknowes [2014 - 2017]
Romilly Squire of Rubislaw [2014 - 2017]

Officers :
President: Dr. Joe Morrow, Lord Lyon King of Arms
Chairman: Viscount Dunrossil
Vice-Chairman: Lord Montgomerie
Secretary: Lieutenant Commander John Glynn of Glynstewart
Treasurer: Ken McAlpine

The Chairman presented, Dr. Joe Morrow, Lord Lyon King of Arms, with the Society’s Fellow Badge.

The following is a list of tentative highland games that are being considered for ‘official’ SSA participation. The list will be refined based on invitations from individual games for SSA participation and SSA member’s availability to host a SSA tent.

Remaining 2014 games:
Stone Mountain, Atlanta, Georgia – SSA Host, Donald Draper Campbell

2015 games [some hosts yet to be determined]:
- Central Florida Highland Games (Orlando) – January 2015.
- Nashville, Tennessee – March 2015 – SSA Host, LCDR John Glynn of Glynstewart
- Greenville, SC – May 2015
- Glasgow, Kentucky – June 2015 – SSA Host, LCDR John Glynn of Glynstewart
- AGM - Charleston, SC - September 2015. Exact dates and location are being planned and the membership will be notified. Hosting will be coordinated by LCDR John Glynn of Glynstewart.
- Plains, Virginia – September 2015 – SSA Host, Donald Draper Campbell
- Stone Mountain, Atlanta, Georgia – October 2015 – SSA Host, To be Determined.

The 2016 AGM is proposed for June in Lehi, Utah; hosted by Capt. Glen Cook of Kingerly. It was proposed that the 2017 AGM be held at the Stone Mountain Highland Games, Atlanta, GA and the 2018 AGM be held at the Estes Park, CO games.

Romilly Squire of Rubislaw passed a membership application for Philippe Neve, a citizen of Belgium with Scottish arms, to the Secretary for approval. The Chairman requested an approval vote from those attending including eight Board of Governors. The membership application was approved and the Secretary will notify the applicant.

Being no other business to discuss, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed. Adjourned at 6:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted:

Lieutenant Commander John Glynn of Glynstewart, OSt.J, FSA Scot, USN (Ret.),

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