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2015-01 VCA Annual Dinner
SSA Member CPL William Boswell, VCA (hereditary), at the 225th Annual Mess Dinner (also the 200th anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans of the War of 1812) on Thursday, 8 January 2015, at Ft Hamilton, Brooklyn, NY. (Update: Promoted SGT on 14th January 2017.)

CPL (now SGT) Boswell is also Colonel Wm. P. Boswell of Toberchurn, USAF (Ret.), former Chairman of the Society of Scottish Armigers.

It is to be noted that Colonel Boswell is one of perhaps not much more than a handful of Americans to be a recipient of the Royal Portuguese Order of the Conception of Our Lady of Vila Viçosa in the grade of Knight Commander. The grade is indicated here by the presence of the Order's breast star, in silver, shown beneath the Grand Cross star of the Order of Holy Sepulchre, coupled with the neck insignia.

Picture credit: anonymous
Picture Caption: dqw

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