Arms: Argent, two arrows points upwards in saltire sable, barbed and feathered gules, surmounted of a commando dagger point upwards in pale of the third, hilted and pommeled of the second; a chief indented also of the second, overall a label of three points or.
Source for blazon: Matriculation from page 40 vol.53, 1 February 1982 in the “Public Register of All Arms and Bearings in Scotland” from an extract dated 4 May 2007.
Guy Harold Power, MStJ was born in 1952 at Ft. Benning, in the County of Chattahoochee, Georgia, USA to Major Raleigh Broughton Power, an Army Special Forces Officer, and Mary Jean Hodges. Major Power proved his Irish Descent and received a Confirmation of Arms from the Chief Herald of Ireland. His son Guy in turn received a Matriculation of these arms but with a label of three points as the eldest son from the Court of the Lord Lyon. He got to communicate with and was befriended by the late Don Pottinger in the process.
Guy Power himself served in the US Army and was decorated several times for his efforts. Today he works for the Government and in private life he is sometimes an artist, good enough, that we will soon upload an example of his work. We have known him for years and are privileged call him a friend.
The artwork is a rendition by John Hamilton Gaylor.
2020 0627
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