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2018 SSA AGM Minutes
Society of Scottish Armigers
The meeting was opened at 2 PM by the Chairman, Hugh, Lord Montgomerie who welcomed everyone.
The meeting was held in the Timmons Building, Furman University.
Members present:

Hugh, Lord Montgomerie, Chairman and Board of Governors
Lieutenant Commander John Glynn of Glynstewart, USN (Ret.), Secretary, Acting Treasurer, and Board of Governors
Mark Harden, Baron of Cowdenknowes, Board of Governors
Brown McCallum, Board of Governors
Col. Charles Shaw, III, Member

Others in attendance:

Righton McCallum
Kathryn Glynn of Glynstewart (Manned SSA tent during meeting)


Lord Lyon, President
Andrew, Viscount Dunrossil, Vice-Chairman and Board of Directors
Col. W.P. Boswell, USAF (Ret.), Immediate Past President and Board of Governors
Charles McKerrell of Hillhouse, Commissioner, EU and Board of Governors
Michael McAlpin, Commander of the Name McAlpine and Board of Governors
Charles Ross, Baron of Bigger
Dr. Bruce Durie

Last AGM Minutes: The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting, 21 October 2017 held at Stone Mountain, Georgia, was emailed to the membership and posted on the SSA website; the Secretary received no corrections. A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes as written. Motion passed.

Officers Reports:
LCDR. John Glynn of Glynstewart, USN (Ret.), SSA Secretary, read the Secretary’s Report. A motion was made and seconded to accept the Secretary’s Report. Motion passed.

LCDR. John Glynn of Glynstewart, USN (Ret.), Acting SSA Treasurer, read the Treasurer’s Report. A motion was made and seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion passed.

The society has $1,827.06 in cash assets between two accounts, PayPal and a BB&T checking account. All federal (IRS) and state (CA) reports have been filed, and are up to date.

Note: The Acting Treasurer, LCDR John Glynn of Glynstewart, USN (Ret.) will retain the office of SSA Treasurer until the 2019 AGM at which time, Col. Charles Shaw, III, USA (Ret.) will assume the SSA Treasurer’s duties.

Chairman’s Report:

To be made via a separate notice.

Nominating Committee’s Report:

For Secretary, LCDR. John Glynn of Glynstewart, USN (Ret.) [2019 - 2021]
For Treasurer: LCDR. John Glynn of Glynstewart, USN (Ret.) [2018 - 2019]

For Board of Governors [Start AGM 2018 – end AGM 2021]:
Donald Draper Campbell [2019 - 2021]
Maj. Randal Massey of Dunham, USA (Ret) [2019 - 2021]
Charles McKerrell of Hillhouse [2019 - 2021]
Hugh, Lord Montgomerie [2019 - 2021]
LCDR. John Glynn of Glynstewart, USN (Ret) [2019 - 2021]
Col. Wayne Morgan, USA (Ret.) [2019 - 2021]

All Nominations passed by acclimation.

Current Board of Governors and terms of office [AGM start – AGM end]:
Col. Wilkins F. Urquhart of Urquhart, [2016 - 2019]
Brown McCallum, Jr. [2016 - 2019]
Col. William Boswell of Toberchurn, USAF (Ret) [2017 - 2020]
Andrew, Viscount Dunrossil, IPC [2017 - 2020]
Mark J. Harden, Baron of Cowdenknowes [2017 - 2020]
Michael McAlpin, Commander, Clan McAlpine [2017 - 2020]
Donald Draper Campbell [2019 - 2021]
Maj. Randal Massey of Dunham, USA (Ret) [2019 - 2021]
Charles McKerrell of Hillhouse [2019 - 2021]
Hugh, Lord Montgomerie [2019 - 2021]
LCDR. John Glynn of Glynstewart, USN (Ret) [2019 - 2021]
Col. Wayne Morgan, USA (Ret.) [2019 - 2021]

Current Officers [AGM start – AGM end] :
President: Dr. Joe Morrow, Lord Lyon King of Arms
Chairman: Hugh, Lord Montgomerie [2017 - 2020]
Vice-Chairman: Andrew, Viscount Dunrossil [2017 - 2020]
Secretary: Lieutenant Commander John Glynn of Glynstewart, USN (Ret) [2019 – 2021]
Acting Treasurer: Lieutenant Commander John Glynn of Glynstewart, USN (Ret) [2018 –2019]

2019 games:

The following is a list of tentative highland games being considered for ‘official’ SSA participation. The list will be refined based on invitations from individual games for SSA participation and SSA member’s availability to host a SSA tent.

- Central Florida Highland Games (Orlando) – January 2019
- Sarasota Highland Games (Sarasota) – February 2019

** Please notify the Secretary if you are hosting a SSA tent so the membership can be notified and shipping arrangements made to supply a SSA name banner and flag.

The 2019 AGM will be in Charleston, South Carolina 1-2 November 2019. Col. Wayne Morgan, USA (Ret.) SSA Board of Governors will be the host.

Society Business:

It was requested that the Secretary contact the Armorial Editor for an ‘official notice of sales’, i.e. funds received and disbursed for the Armorial and how many have been sold to date.

The Secretary will contact the Scottish Tartan Authority (STA) and if they desire he will send some society brochures to Charles McKerrell of Hillhouse to be delivered to STA so they can be used to promote SSA. The Secretary will request that the website Editor, Dwyer Wedvick, add a link to the STA website.

The Secretary will contact the Society of Heraldric Arts Association concerning the society joining their association to support their efforts in heraldic arts. They are listed on our website links.

A motion was made by Mark Harden to make LCDR. John Glynn of Glynstewart, USN (Ret.), the current Secretary, a Fellow of the Society due to his service as the Society Secretary for 9 years and has nomination and approval for another 3-year term. The motion was tabled, and the Chairman will take the motion under advisement.

It was requested that the Secretary look into the cost of maintaining the SSA website and payment of treasury funds for its maintenance.

Report from the Vice-Chairman:

“I plan to be at Stone again this year, and hope to see most of you there. The Morrison’s are having their AGM there. I will also be going to Denver for the Colorado Scottish Festival in early August, as their Honored Guest. Donald Draper Campbell arranged this. I will be three weeks in Scotland in August and September, doing the North Coast 500 for the first time, during which we will have dinner with John Thurso at Thurso Castle. I had a good Tartan Day in San Antonio (SA): we had a river parade with the Mayor; followed by a reception at a local pub on the River Walk; and then the Alamo ceremony; followed by the SA Highland games. Then up to DC for Tartan Day with Lyon, the new and past conveners of the SCSC, and the new Commander of the Clan Currie/MacVurich. Lyon did the Kirkin of the Tartan at the National Cathedral. Met the new representative from the Scottish Government, Joni Smith, who seems to “get” the diaspora thing. Donald MacLaren dislikes the term ‘dispora’ and would like to ban it. He was a big support in the talk on heraldry that Donald Campbell and I (and Chris Gillmore) gave at Ventura, CA, last September, and we can expect him to be a close ally of the society.”

Being no other business to discuss, a motion was made, and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed. Adjourned at 2:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted:

Lieutenant Commander John Glynn of Glynstewart, OSt.J, FSA Scot, USN (Ret.), Secretary

NOTE: After the AGM, the Chairman’s father died and the Chairman, Lord Montgomerie, assumed the Chief of the name and arms of Montgomerie; the Right Honorable 19th Earl of Eglinton and 7th Earl of Winton.

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