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02dyx Hot News 33 2016 AGM minutes

Society of Scottish Armigers


The meeting was opened at 7:21 PM by the Chairman, Andrew, Viscount Dunrossil, who welcomed everyone. The meeting was held at the Alta Club, Salt Lake City, Utah and the Chairman thanked our host, Capt. Glen Cook of Kingerly, for his outstanding efforts in providing the space and comforts for those members attending.
Members present:
Lord Lyon, J. Morrow, President
Viscount Dunrossil, Chairman
Colonel W. P. Boswell of Toberchurn, USAF (Ret.), Immediate Past Chairman
Captain Glen Cook of Kingerly, USN (Ret.)
Colonel Wil Urquhart of Urquhart, USAF (Ret.), Board of Governors
Lieutenant Commander John Glynn of Glynstewart, USN (Ret.), Secretary & Board of Governors
Donald Draper Campbell, Sennachie & Board of Governors
Thomas Urquhart, III
Lieutenant Commander Glen Cook of Kingerly, Ygr., USN

Others in attendance:
Melody Cook of Kingerly
Kathryn Glynn of Glynstewart
Beth Campbell


Charles McKerrell of Hillhouse, Commissioner, EU & Board of Governors

Last AGM Minutes: The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held 19 September 2015 in Charleston, South Carolina had been sent to the membership and posted on the SSA website; no corrections were received by the Secretary. A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes. Motion passed.

Officers Reports: LCDR. John Glynn of Glynstewart, SSA Secretary, read the Secretary’s Report. A motion was made and seconded to accept the Secretary’s Report. Motion passed.

The Treasurer’s Report was provided by Col. W. P. Boswell, IPC. A motion was made and seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion passed.

Presidents Comments: Lord Lyon expressed his great pleasure in the SSA Armorial and a job well done by all those involved in its production. He is extremely pleased with the outcome.

Other Comments: Those attending the AGM want to thank and recognize Cornelia Bush, SSA Associate Member for all her hard work and dedication on the SSA Armorial as its Editor.

Chairman’s Report:

First I would like to express my personal appreciation and the Society's gratitude to Glen and the entire Cook family for their hospitality over the Utah Games. It makes a great difference when one of the Games' principal organizers and the MC for the Games is one of our most prominent and valued members, and he wasted no opportunity to promote the society during the Games. It is a rare treat to find an MC who can pronounce our various names and titles correctly! Thank you, Glen!

We were also very fortunate to have Lyon with us during the Games and the AGM. His active participation with and support of the society is enormously welcome.

Thanks are also due to the board, notably to the secretary, John Glynn of Glynstewart, and to Donald Draper Campbell, who shoulder the main burden of setting up and manning the society's tents at the various Games we attend, and help to answer any enquiries the public may have.

Our main debt of gratitude this year is to associate member, Cornelia Bush, who has worked hard to produce the society's first armorial. In this she has had assistance from a number of members, notably Bill Boswell, and the finished work looks as if it will be a true "ktema es aei,", a possession for ever.

I have maintained my involvement with COSCA as a member of its advisory board, and with its president, John Bellissai. John is also closely involved with the National Tartan Day Committee of Washington DC, and it was at his invitation that I agreed to be part of a three person panel in April, along with Dr Bruce Durie and Henry McLeish, the former First Minister of Scotland, to discuss the topic, "Whither Scotland, politically?" The following day we also attended a reception, with further speechifying, at one of the Congressional Office Buildings, to which Members of the Scotland caucus were invited, along with a representative of the Scottish Government. I also look forward to maintaining our involvement with the SCSC and will be attending the Standing Council's AGM in July.

Finally, I am delighted that both Lyon and I will be attending the Loon Mountain Games in September in New Hampshire, he as chief of the Games and I because of the Morrison clan AGM. I plan to bring a copy of the new armorial to show off to any interested parties!

Nominating Committee’s Report:
Col. Wil Urquhart of Urquhart and Brown McCallum were nominated for another Board of Governors term. Nominations passed by acclimation.

Current Board of Governors and terms of office:
Col. William Boswell of Toberchurn, IPC [2014 - 2017]
Andrew, Viscount Dunrossil [2014 - 2017]
Mark J. Harden, Baron of Cowdenknowes [2014 - 2017]
Romilly Squire of Rubislaw [2014 - 2017]
Donald Draper Campbell [2015 - 2018]
Maj. Randal Massey of Dunham, USA (Ret) [2015 - 2018]
Charles McKerrell of Hillhouse [2015 - 2018]
Hugh, Lord Montgomerie [2015 - 2018]
LCDR. John Glynn of Glynstewart, USN (Ret.) [2015 - 2018]
Col. Wayne Morgan, USA (Ret.) [2015 – 2018]
Col. Wilkins F. Urquhart of Urquhart, [2016- 2019]
Brown McCallum, Jr. [2016 - 2019]

Officers :
President: Dr. Joe Morrow, Lord Lyon King of Arms
Chairman: Andrew, Viscount Dunrossil [2014 – 2017]
Vice-Chairman: Hugh, Lord Montgomerie [2015 – 2018]
Secretary: Lieutenant Commander John Glynn of Glynstewart [2015 – 2018]
Treasurer: Ken McAlpine [2014 – 2017]

The following is a list of tentative highland games that are being considered for ‘official’ SSA participation. The list will be refined based on invitations from individual games for SSA participation and SSA member’s availability to host a SSA tent.

2017 games:
- Central Florida Highland Games (Orlando) – January 14-15, 2017
- Estes Park, CO – September, 2017
- AGM, Stone Mountain Highland Games, Atlanta, GA – October, 2017

Please notify the Secretary if you are hosting a SSA tent so the membership can be notified.

The 2017 AGM is currently planned for the Stone Mountain Highland Games, Atlanta, GA and the 2018 AGM is planned for the Estes Park, CO games.

The Society is considering having another joint AGM with the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada (RHSC). More information to follow as it develops.

Society Business:

The Society will be one of the sponsors of the International Genealogical and Heraldry Sciences Congress that will be held in Glasgow, Scotland, 9-13 August, 2016. We will have a table with society information available to those attending. A luncheon is planned for those attending; probably on Thursday, 11 August. Lord Lyon plans to attend.

Society member Hon. Roger Lindsey of Craighall, Rouge Herald Extraordinary of Canada, delivered a congratulator letter from the society to the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada on their 50th Anniversary. The letter was signed by Andrew, Viscount Dunrossil, Chairman, and Lord Lyon, President.

A motion was made and seconded that SSA members pay $40.00 for the SSA Armorial, and non-members be charged $55.00. Motion passed. The Secretary will notify the membership of the availability of the Armorial and cost.

Being no other business to discuss, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed. Adjourned at 8:02 PM.

Respectfully submitted:

Lieutenant Commander John Glynn of Glynstewart, OSt.J, FSA Scot, USN (Ret.),

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