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0000001 AGM Minutes 2023 1216
Society of Scottish Armigers


The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 12:10 PM (US EST) who welcomed those attending.

Fifteen members were on the Zoom call including the Lord Lyon, Board of Governors, Officers, and Armigers.

The meeting agenda was forwarded via email by the Secretary prior to the virtual meeting.

The Annual Financial Report dated the first week of October (FY) 2023 was forwarded via e-mail by the Treasurer prior to the virtual meeting.

Chairman’s Remarks:
SSA Chairman, Earl of Eglinton and Winton, reported on his move to Scotland and his activities in support of SSA.

President's Remarks:
Lord Lyon welcomed everyone on the call and gave a brief outline of his and Lyon’s Court activities in the last year, especially the Coronation of His Majesty Charles III.

Vice-Chairman’s Remarks:
Andrew, Viscount Dunrossil, requested approval of the 2022 AGM Minutes which were so seconded and approved.
He also recognized and thanked McAlpin for hosting the SSA at their Stone Mountain Highland Games (SMHG) Clan tent and others at games the past two (2) years.
He further outlined the various meetings he has attended in support of Scottish heraldry and Scottish heritage in general in both the US and UK the past year.
He is recognized as a great ambassador for all things Scottish.

Secretary’s Report:
The Secretary reported we have 100 Regular members, 2 Associate members, 0 Junior members, and 1 Organization.
All received correspondence has been answered and four (4) new members' membership applications were received and approved since the last AGM in Oct. 2022. Unfortunately, we also had two (2) deceased members in the past year. Two (2) Board of Governors and two (2) Officer positions need to be filled this AGM.

The Secretary noted that our President had appeared in Scottish Field and Scotland magazines and the Lord Lyon had forwarded a photograph of a new gallery portrait of him that was to be placed on the SSA website (posted in the SSA Gallery).

Treasurer’s Report:
The MSEXCEL Worksheet and text of the Treasurer’s Report was formatted in Adobe PDF and placed on the SSA website. Currently, the total 2023 account balances equal $6,209.34 despite the fact that less than 50% of active members paid dues each of the last three (3) years.

It was reported that the SSA is now listed as a Not-for-Profit organization doing business Internationally with the US IRS as well as Truist Bank and PayPal which has two (2) linked accounts, one in USD ($) and the other in GBP (£), for ease of business. There was also a one-time transfer of funds in the amount of £1000 by the Heraldry Society of Scotland (HSS) from excess Armiger donations to the 2016 Congress deposited into the PayPal GBP Account.

It was noted that financials have continued to improve and the Treasury is in a better state than it has been in several years. Therefore, those members willing to host an SSA tent at a highland game should be able to receive reimbursement for a tent space and accompanying table/ chairs with the Stone Mountain Highland Games (SMHG) being a priority. Additional Armiger support will be required in most cases. If other equipment is needed the Secretary is to be contacted.

Nomination and Election of new Board of Governor (BoG) Members:

A motion was made, seconded, and passed to elect those Board of Governor members whose term of office was expiring for another three-year term of office.
Terms ending AGM 2026:
Col. Wilkins F. Urquhart of Urquhart, (USAF Ret.)
Kevin Conquest

Nomination and Election of new Officers:

A motion was made, seconded, and passed to elect the following Officers to a three-year term of office.
Terms ending AGM 2026:
Secretary – LCDR. John Glynn of Glynstewart, (USN Ret.)
Treasurer – COL. Charles Shaw, (USA Ret.)

Action Items from AGM:
1. A motion was made by the Chairman, seconded, and passed that our SSA Organizational Structure and Operating Procedures be examined and modified including:
a) Establishment of a new Chief Operating Officer (COO) position to assist the Chairman and Vice Chairman in the day-to-day running of the Society.
b) Establishment of a new Chief Information Officer (CIO) position to upgrade/ improve the SSA's information operations, communications, and social media.
c) Establishment of additional Assistant positions to the other Officers for continuity. New Assistant Secretary, replacement Assistant Treasurer, and other candidates will be identified in 2024 with the current Webmaster serving as Assistant to the CIO.
d) Initially, these positions will be for two-year terms.

2. It was proposed by McAlpin that outreach, attendance, and representation at Festival and Highland Games be improved including funding for dedicated SSA tents, possibly in conjunction with Clan tents initially; new signage/ literature with use of QR codes; an improved interactive website; links to other organizations such as the HHS and Games; etc.. This was deferred until such time as a new CIO is identified and in position.

3. It was also noted by the Treasurer that Honorary Membership and Legacy members as well as targeting more events in Scotland could help improve visibility, growth and membership besides a need for improved dues contributions from current members.

4. Consequently, it was proposed that the 25th Anniversary SSA AGM in 2027 be held in Scotland, with possible excursions to the UK. After lots of discussion, it was proposed that the new COO request Armiger inputs, do some research, and make a proposal once appointed. The Lord Lyon added that he would help with some formal activities which could be coordinated with the HSS and Heralds.

5. The Secretary will look at the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada’s AGM schedule and possibly hold another joint AGM. The last joint meeting in Montreal was a success.

6. The location and date for our 2024 AGM will be determined at a later date commensurate with the 2024 Festival/ Highland Games schedules once received by the new COO.

7. Being no further business, a motion was made, second, and passed to adjourn the meeting. The AGM adjourned at 1:03 PM (US EST) and the Board of Governors (BOG) meeting commenced following a short break.

Notes from the Board of Governors (BOG) Meeting:
1. The Chairman nominated COL. Charles Shaw, (USA Ret.), the current Treasurer, to fill the position of COO while simultaneously continuing Treasurer duties for 2024.
2. The Chairman nominated Earl McAlpine, Assistant Treasurer, for the position of CIO with the current Webmaster, Dwyer Wedvick, assisting.
3. The nominations for these two-year terms were seconded and approved.
4. It was directed the new COO and current Officers identify other Officer and Assistant candidates in 2024 as well as any other required positions such as Heraldic Artist.
5. Being no further business, a motion to was made, second, and passed to adjourn the BOG meeting which adjourned at 1:37 PM (US EST).

Any comments or questions please forward them to:


Lieutenant Commander John Glynn of Glynstewart, CSt.J, FSA Scot, MBA, USN (Ret.)

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